


King's Lynn Tuesday Market circa 1905

A market has been held in King's Lynn's Tuesday Market Place since about 1400.
Hangings, witch burnings and the punishment of wrongdoers in the stocks were regular sights here.

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King's Lynn Saturday Market early 1900's

The Market Place itself is the oldest of the town's two market places,
having been officially sanctioned by the Bishop of Norwich around 1100.
There is still a market on the site every Saturday.

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King's Lynn Ancient Market 1907

Originally, Lynn's two marts were important trading fairs which would attract visitors from
as far afield as Italy and Germany. Over the years trading fairs became less important and
the Mart's nature changed from a trading fair to a funfair. These days the ancient Mart is
an annual event held in the Tuesday Marketplace on the 14th February.

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