Folker One-Name Study

Family of
Richard Foker and Elizabeth Jones

Family chart Family index

Richard Foker was born in Snettisham on 15 August 1796 and baptised in St.Mary's Church on the 17th. He died in Snettisham on 10 November 1798 and was buried two days later.

Robert Foaker was born in Snettisham on 6 February 1799 and baptised on 10 February. He married Mary Ann Bird at Ingoldisthorpe on Christmas Day 1829 and they had seven sons and three daughters, all born in Snettisham between 1830 and 1849.

Robert was employed as a Bricklayer and Mary Ann worked as a Needlewoman and Dressmaker. The census of 1841 and 1851 shows the family as living at The Hall in Ingoldisthorpe. In 1861 they were living at the top of Common Road but in 1871, they were at The Ship Inn and Robert was receiving Parish Relief.

Robert died at Ingoldisthorpe on 10 July 1875. Mary remained in Ingoldisthorpe and in 1881 had her brother Timothy Bird living with her as well as her grandson Lewis E Folker. She died on 3 April 1888.


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